The Farm Where You Live Homestead Festival is the ultimate gathering for homesteading enthusiasts and those interested in sustainable living. Our festivals are designed to provide a rich and immersive experience, packed with educational seminars, hands-on workshops, captivating demonstrations, and a vibrant marketplace.

“Investing in techniques to flourish when others barely survive beats any retirement plan; it’s even better than buying gold. Mainstream American culture seems oblivious to the problematic trajectory we’re on; Farm Where You Live dares to question the downward spiral and brings us together with upward solutions."


Our smaller group classes are designed to provide you with up-close and personal guidance from homesteading leaders in our community. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced homesteader seeking to expand your skills, our workshops offer a unique learning experience that is available all year round. Get ready to roll up your sleeves, immerse yourself in hands-on activities, and gain invaluable knowledge from experts in the field.

We believe that everyone has the potential to cultivate their own food, craft their own goods, and contribute to a more sustainable future. By bringing together lifetime farmers and new green homesteaders, we aim to foster a community that thrives on self-sufficiency, healing the land, and nourishing our bodies with real, homegrown foods.


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