Defining Our Business Moving Forward

Since founding Homegrown Social in 2016, our mission has always been to support small local businesses in building their online presence through web design and social media marketing. We’re deeply passionate about empowering local entrepreneurs and helping them thrive in the digital world. Over the years, this mission has evolved and expanded, leading us into exciting new territories such as corporate event planning and fundraising.

Our Farm Where You Live Journey

Before Farm Where You Live, we were frustrated as new homesteaders by the lack of a local community to connect with and learn sustainable skills from, much like our grandparents and great-grandparents did. We longed for face-to-face engagement with people in the same boat as us.

In 2022, we hosted our first event at a hot campground in upstate South Carolina, planning for 200 attendees. To our amazement, 1,000 people showed up! It was then that Josh and I realized there was a local community just like us, eager to meet and learn together.

Now, two years later, we’ve executed four large homesteading festivals, attracting over 2,000 guests who are hungry for homesteading education. Our community has grown to over 20,000 engaged users across our platforms, and we feel we’ve only scratched the surface.

Expanding Our Reach

We’re excited to announce that we are preparing to expand our reach by hitting the road for a tour across the United States. Our goal is to connect with new communities so people won’t have to travel far to experience a similar festival. We want to bring the joy and knowledge of homesteading to as many people as possible.

The Heart of Homegrown Social

At the heart of Homegrown Social, our passion for small local businesses remains unwavering. We believe in the power of community and the importance of supporting our local economy. This foundational value will always guide our work and decisions. However, as we continue to grow, it’s essential to reflect on our journey and clarify our path forward.

A Transparent Reflection

In the spirit of transparency, we want to share our internal struggles and the steps we are taking to address them. Here are the key areas we are focusing on:

  1. Clarifying Our Core Values and Vision: Ensuring that our commitment to local businesses remains at the forefront while embracing the opportunities in corporate event planning.

  2. Identifying Our Target Audiences: Understanding the distinct needs of small local businesses and corporate clients to better serve both communities.

  3. Streamlining Our Services: Offering clear and focused services under Homegrown Social, while maintaining a high standard of quality and personal connection.

  4. Continuous Feedback and Improvement: Listening to your feedback and continuously improving our services to meet your needs better.

Moving Forward with Purpose

Moving forward, Homegrown Social will continue to support small local businesses with the same dedication and passion that started this journey. Simultaneously, we will also work hard to grow our homesteading community, applying our expertise to create memorable and impactful events with Farm Where You Live.

Thank You for Your Support

We want to thank each of you for your ongoing support and trust. Your feedback, encouragement, and participation in our journey have been invaluable.

Mom of 5, Blue collar wife, Homeschool Family, Rookie Homesteader, Resident Millennial, Marketing Geek & Serial Entrepreneur