IMPORTANT: Preserving the Rights of Small Farms

A battle is brewing—a battle for the fundamental rights of farmers to cultivate their land without undue government interference.

Across the nation, the cherished right of Americans to grow, produce, and consume food of their choosing is under threat. Nowhere is this threat more palpable than in Oregon, where regulatory overreach looms large, casting a shadow over the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.

At the heart of the issue lies Oregon’s classification of all water resources as public assets, including groundwater on private property. Imagine being told that the water beneath your own soil, the lifeblood of your crops and livestock, is not yours to control—that it belongs to the state.

For generations, small family farms have been the backbone of our agricultural heritage, stewards of the land, and providers of nourishment to our communities. Yet, they now find themselves grappling with prohibitive regulations that hinder their ability to thrive.

Oregon’s stringent restrictions on water use only exacerbate the plight of these small-scale agricultural producers. With access to groundwater and surface water heavily regulated, farmers are left struggling to irrigate their crops and support their livestock.

Adding Insult to Injury

The use of satellite surveillance to enforce these regulations represents a blatant invasion of privacy. Farmers now find themselves under constant scrutiny, their every move monitored from above. It’s a far cry from the idyllic image of the American farmer, working the land with grit and determination, free from prying eyes.

But amidst these challenges, there is hope—a rallying cry for the preservation of small family farms, for the protection of their rights, and for the recognition of their invaluable contribution to our society. We must stand in solidarity with these farmers, advocating for policies that prioritize their well-being and uphold their autonomy.

It’s time to reclaim the narrative of American agriculture, to champion the cause of the small farmer against the tide of bureaucratic overreach. Let us not forget that the future of our food system—and indeed, the future of our nation’s agricultural heritage—rests in the hands of those who till the soil, who nurture the land, and who carry on the proud tradition of farming against all odds.

Mom of 5, Blue collar wife, Homeschool Family, Rookie Homesteader, Resident Millennial, Marketing Geek & Serial Entrepreneur