Investing in the Temporary

When we moved into our two-acre homestead nestled in a neighborhood, it was out of necessity more than choice. The pandemic, a tough economy, and expecting twins pushed us to find stability. Before this, we lived a nomadic life in a camper, following my husband’s welding career. Our new home, though not our forever home, provided the space and stability we needed as our family grew—now a family of seven with the addition of three beautiful children, including our twins.

Starting a homestead on a property you know you won’t stay in forever can be a challenging decision. With limited space and a future that feels uncertain, it’s easy to question whether investing in the soil, planting perennials, or building animal infrastructure is worth it. These doubts can make you hesitant to fully commit to making the most of your current space.

But here’s what I’ve learned: Do it anyway.

Plan Your Garden, Plan for the Future

Investing time and resources into our garden and homestead, despite the uncertainty, has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. Each seed we plant, every perennial we nurture, and all the infrastructure we build for our animals teach us invaluable lessons about resilience, sustainability, and the joys of homesteading.

You Never Know What Tomorrow Brings

Life is unpredictable. While we may not plan to stay on this property forever, the skills and experiences we gain here are irreplaceable. We’ve learned to make the most of what we have, appreciating the small victories and growth in our garden and among our animals. Each season brings new challenges and triumphs, reminding us that homesteading is as much about the journey as it is about the destination.

Learn Your Lessons and Dig Deep

Every moment spent working on our homestead, no matter how temporary it might feel, is a lesson in patience, dedication, and adaptability. We’ve become more resourceful, learned to maximize our small space, and found creative solutions to homesteading challenges. These lessons will stay with us, no matter where we go next.

Enjoy Your Property

Your current homestead, whether it’s a permanent residence or a temporary stop, is a place to grow, learn, and enjoy. Embrace the opportunity to nurture the land, raise animals, and cultivate a garden. The joy and fulfillment you find in these activities are worth the investment, even if you eventually move on.

Take a Chance on Investing

Don’t let the uncertainty of the future hold you back. Invest in your current space with the same passion and commitment you would if it were your forever home. The knowledge, skills, and experiences you gain are valuable assets that will benefit you wherever you go.

Homesteading on a small, temporary plot has its challenges, but it also offers immense rewards. By embracing the uncertainty and investing in your current space, you’re setting yourself up for a future filled with knowledge, skills, and a deep connection to the land. So dig deep, plant those seeds, and enjoy the journey—because every moment spent homesteading is a step toward a more sustainable and fulfilling life.

Mom of 5, Blue collar wife, Homeschool Family, Rookie Homesteader, Resident Millennial, Marketing Geek & Serial Entrepreneur