Who are We and How Did We Get Here?

Hi! We are Josh and Megan Fisher.

We live in a neighborhood. We have just under two acres and our neighbor isn’t more than two car lengths away from us.

I have a black thumb, but we produced our first tomatoes this year thanks to my adamant husband and the beauty of container gardening on our tiny porch.

We have 24(ish) chickens, 10 meat rabbits, and one pig. The same pig has sent us running through our residential neighborhood on his first night with us – knocking on doors of people we have never met and asking if we could investigate their backyard for “Waffles”.

Sometimes we bake bread… sometimes we buy bread. Sometimes we eat only from the farmers market and sometimes we grab Zaxbys on the way home.

We have buried animals, nursed animals back to health, learned how to clip wings and lure escapee pigs back in the fence.

We have invested in our homestead education through classes, books, and online workshops.

We proudly homeschool our children and will raise them with dirt under their fingernails and a firm grasp on where food comes from. They will also know Who created this beautiful world that we live in and Who came to earth to die on a cross for our sins.

We aren’t homesteading experts and will never pretend to be. We are your typical young American family trying to figure out how to get out of the grocery store and eat healthy food, but we are at the beginning of our journey.

That is why we started Farm Where You Live. We know there are more out there that are like us. Granted, we have many guests that come to our events that grew up not knowing the word ‘homesteading’, but it was just… living.

One day, I want to invite you to my dream homestead with many acres, a creek flowing through it, a root cellar full of food that I grew myself and serve you bread that I made myself with butter from our own dairy cow. One day.

Until then, we will keep learning the foundations of homesteading and inevitably make our mistakes as we learn. We will laugh together, grow our community together, and bring as many along with us as possible.


One late-night Facebook post to a Homesteading group asking, “If some of us rookies get together and learn, would you come?” and Facebook let out a resounding “YES!”

We shot out a message to the Godfather of permaculture – Joel Salatin, the Lunatic Farmer from Virginia, asking him to take a chance on a couple of newbies and surprisingly, he said “YES!”

We booked a campground, booked some vendors and the day came around… expecting 200 guests and ONE THOUSAND guests showed up. We were NOT prepared, but the community didn’t care. They were hungry to learn. Most just pulled up a chair and sat in the same spot all day listening to the classes.

Josh & I were awestruck and grateful for the foundation of the family that was going to be built. We had no idea what we were in for!

Two years into our venture, and each event has grown by 500 attendees or more. We must eventually turn teachers and vendors away because we haven’t found a way to host everyone at once!

Guests have become friends… and eventually have become family. In such a short period of time, the community has curated an atmosphere of support and comradery at our festival’s, and I take NO credit for it. It’s truly incredible.


We have been in cahoots with business owners, homesteaders, teachers, and content creators near and far! Many of our followers and friends have asked us to bring an event like ours to their neck of the woods.

AND SO… without further ado, I present the 2025 Farm Where You Live Tour!

We’re not just packing up our show; we’re igniting a movement and hitting the road to bring our festival to you. The Farm Where You Live Festival is about to become a rolling celebration of homestead education, and we’ve got our sights set on crisscrossing the entire United States. From the East Coast to the West- we want YOU to be a part of this extraordinary ride!

But we need your help. Now, more than ever, we’re calling on our faithful Farm Where You Live family to join forces and become the seeds of change with us. Your unwavering support has been the cornerstone of our success, and we’re counting on you to help us branch out to new horizons.

Mom of 5, Blue collar wife, Homeschool Family, Rookie Homesteader, Resident Millennial, Marketing Geek & Serial Entrepreneur